Watch all past CADA Webinars on demand! Each month CADA will produce a new CADA webinar that is free for members, you can join live by registering for the event here. Missed the live one? Below is an archive of all our past webinars for you to watch on demand. (New webinars will be posted within 5-business days of the live event.)
Ice Breakers & Team Builders to Build Community
Equity: What Comes Next
Training the Next Generation of Student Leaders
The Future of "Normal" and How it Will Affect Our Leadership Classes
Celebrating the Class of 2021
Featuring presenters Derek Sage (SOS Entertainment), plus reports from eight breakout rooms by CADA Area & a middle school room sharing ideas brainstormed by CADA members.
Civic Engagement: How to Encourage and Promote Active Citizens
Featuring presenters Marika Manos (OC Department of Education), Leigh Cambra (Carmel High School), Lindsey Charron (Ensign Intermediate School), Sandy Ginger (Nevada Association of Student Councils), and Jeremy Hersch (Grossmont High School)
Convention 2021: The Leadership Mixtape Preview!
Practicing Self Care & Gifting Ourselves Grace: Practical Ways to Take Care of Yourself and Model Self Care for Students
Featuring presenters Jill Mortensen, Melissa LeFevre, Jennifer Rodrigues, Danny Vuong-Batimana (Happiness is Now), contributor Janet Roberts, and hosted by Allison Gadeke, with special appearance by Ron Ippolito with a CADA 2021 Convention update!
Serving Our Community Like Never Before: How Schools Can Serve the Community While Protecting Health and Safety
Recorded November 16, 2020 | Watch On Demand Below | Chat Transcript | Slideshow
Featuring presenters from the CASL State Board
"You're on Mute!" Practical Tips to Engage & Involve Students During Distance/Hybrid Learning
Recorded October 19, 2020 | Watch On Demand Below | Chat Transcript | Slideshow
Featuring presenters Aly Stiles, Jamie Gibo, Ricky Castro, Allison Birakos, and Kate Garnes.
Engaging Lessons and the Tech Tools to Make Them Happen - BEGINNERS SESSION
Recorded September 28, 2020 | Watch On Demand Below | Chat Transcript | Slideshow
Featuring presenters Ryan Willer, Bonnie Bagheri, and Lindsey Charron. Topics include using Google Forms, word cloud generators, Instagram, and WE Video.
Plus check out Becky's BONUS tutorial for putting together a virtual escape room! Click here
Engaging Lessons and the Tech Tools to Make Them Happen - INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED SESSION
Recorded September 28, 2020 | Watch On Demand Below | Chat Transcript | Slideshow
Featuring presenters Becky Stewart, Melissa Edsall, and Ron Ippolito. Topics include using presentation backgrounds, Canva, Flipgrid, Padlet, virtual rallies, Jamboard, and YouTube Live.
Plus check out Becky's BONUS tutorial for putting together a virtual escape room! Click here
School Has Started...What Now?
Recorded August 17, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now (click link associated with specific breakout room topic)
Featuring breakout room facilitators: Paul Chylinski, Bonnie Bagheri, Corissa Stobing, Monique Walton, Jill Mortensen, Ricky Castro, Ron Ippolito, and Sandi Kurland
Available recordings:
Virtual Leadership Development Day | Homecoming | Using Flipgrid/Video | Motivating & Encouraging Staff | Yearbook in Quarantine | Welcome Activities | Virtual Spirit Activities
A Conve
rsation with CADA Sponsors: How to Maintain Clubs & Assemblies on Remote/Hybrid Campus in the Fall
Recorded August 3, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
Featuring panelist Scott Backovich, Joe Beckman, and Bonnie Bagheri with facilitators Ron Ippolito and Allison Gadeke. Chat Transcript
A Conversation with CADA Sponsors: Addressing Social/Emotional Learning and Mental Health
Recorded July 27, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
Featuring panelists Kim Karr (#ICANHELP), Danny Batimana (Happiness is Now), and Phil Boyte (Learning for Living) with facilitators Ron Ippolito and Allison Gadeke. Slideshow | Chat Transcript
Creating Discussions for Our Students Using Children's Books
Recorded July 20, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
Featuring panelists Shannon Hurtado, Sandy Ginger, Allison Gadeke, and Leah Grant with facilitator Ron Ippolito. Slideshow
Building School Culture and Creating Community While Distance/Hybrid Learning: A Conversation with CADA Sponsors
Recorded July 13, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
We are getting closer to the start of school, but many of us have more questions than answers about what that will look like. One of our biggest priorities as Activities Directors, Administrators, and School Staff is to build school culture and create community. With the uncertainty that is before us though, many of us wonder how we can accomplish that. Share your questions, concerns, and ideas with our panel as they help us generate ideas and plan for an amazing year.
Teaching Kids About Diversity, Equity, and Racial Equality
Recorded July 6, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
As the fall approaches, we are hoping to refine our lessons regarding equity, diversity, and racial equality. Our students are also eager to engage in discussion, and we need the tools to be able to respectfully guide and direct these important conversations. During this open format, panelists address questions posed through pre-submitted and chat room questions from attendees. Slides | Chat Transcript
A Conversation About Equity & How to Address it on Our Campuses
Recorded June 15, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
The current climate in our country has us searching for answers about how to promote equity and peace in our communities. Thoughtful protests, tragic stories, pleas from the community, & a desire to improve our world for all citizens have us asking the question, “How can we best foster student leaders who are empathetic, informed, & inclusive?” Slideshow | Chat Transcript
Training, Orientations & Retreats - THE SEQUEL
Recorded June 1, 2020 | Watch on Demand Now!
We are all unsure about what the fall will bring for our schools. However, we are certain that our students will look to us to help them build community and school spirit. As we welcome the next classes to campus, we need to create ways we can connect with them -- whether it be virtually or in person. Engaging our students and building community from day one is still the priority. Join us as we again discuss how we can continue to do that -- given the uncertainty that currently surrounds us. Slideshow
Training, Orientations & Retreats
Recorded May 18, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
With so much uncertainty about what comes next for our schools, one thing is certain: we have new teams of student leaders who will need training, and new students to our school with whom we want to engage and connect. How do we do all that while still keeping ourselves, our students, and our families safe? Hear ways to onboard our new class of students and student leaders for the 2020-2021 school year. Slideshow
Honoring the Class of 2020 - Large High School Edition
Recorded April 29, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
A follow-up to our previous Zoom event with a specific focus on high schools with a graduating class of 500 or more students. Slideshow
Honoring the Class of 2020
Recorded April 20, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now - HS | Watch On Demand Now - MS
During this Zoom event, panelists share great ideas to recognize both our eighth graders and our seniors during separate level-specific discussions. ENVOLVE Resources from Scott Backovich | MS Slideshow | HS Slideshow
Social Media Hacks: Sheltering in Place, Together
Recorded April 7, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
How do you create & support school culture when you can't even be at school? Do it with the power of social media. Join Dan Bowen (Leadership Teacher, Dougherty Valley HS) & Travis Bell (Principal, Acalanes HS) as they share social media hacks, how to engage your audience, & strategies to ensure you have administrative & district support for your online presence. Presentation slides/resources:
Supporting Campus Culture During Distance Learning
Recorded April 1, 2020 | Watch On Demand Now!
Some CADA members are gearing up for distance learning, while others are already in the thick of it, learning as we go. Join your fellow CADA members as we sort through online leadership lessons, online elections, online meetings with student leaders, and more! Presentation notes available on Google Slides (view Speaker Notes below each slide)